EP 4: The Gateway Episode

First off, I’d like to point out that we have a numbering issue and we are going to fix it here. No more in-between numbers – that is adding up to trouble. So where this should be episode 7 it is still only number 4. From here on out though – whole incremental numbers. In-between or not.
Secondly, this is not a “new” episode, it has been available for a while we have not gotten round to posting it here until now. Life has happened all over things and we are trying to get back into some sort of flow. That means a bit of catching up is in order.

So here it is
The official release of episode 4, the Gateway Episode
As you may know, the term gateway game is often used to refer to the game that brought you into the modern board game hobby. The game that took you from the department store toy section to the friendly local game store. It is also used to refer to games that are easy to learn, easy to teach and fun to play. A game that you might use to introduce someone new to the hobby.
In this episode, we talk about what our personal gateway games were and what else the term might mean to us. We talk about how one person’s gateway game might be another person’s slamming door. And how some games that may not be thought of as gateway games might be the spark others need to get into the hobby.
And so on. You get the idea.