Episode 9: The road to catan?
For episode 9 I get a bit excited and try and explain to Steve what I find fascinating about the world before Catan. I had something in my head about the game Acquire having been mentioned as the seed of modern Eurogames. Which really interested me. I started looking into and did not find too much at first then came across the book “Eurogames: The Design, Culture and Play of Modern European Board Games” by Stewart Woods and it is crammed full of history. Which I do a shaky job trying to relay to Steve. It’s a great book though if you are looking for a good book on some game history.
We also talk about our recent experience tackling Clank! Legacy, the most fun I have had with a Legacy game to date.
Links to Catan
Eurogames by Stewart Woods | 3M | Acquire | Sid Sackson | Crude: The Oil Game
Anachrony | David Turczi | Clank! Legacy | Catan

We Misspoke a few times
- On the first couple episodes Dave did say the name of the show while recording it, but more as an intro than as part of the show. It was a silly thing to say. Why do I say such silly things?
- One, I said “Social Game” when I meant to say “Society Game” from the German: “Gesellschaftpiele”
- Steve mentioned, “Leaving Earth” when he meant to say “Excavation Earth” when talking about Dávid Turczi games.
*If you notice anything else please let us know in the comments or send us an email.