The Deck-Building Episode
In this episode we try and tackle deck-building but it is such a vast topic that we really just scratch a small itch on the surface. A brief time-line from the explosive force that was Magic: The Gathering to the emergence of a new mechanic through Donald X Vaccarino‘s Dominion. There is so much to love with deck-building and so little time in our show to give it the attention it deserves.
From great gateways to deck-building, like Quest for El Dorado and Hogwarts Battle we try and chart a path through the vast selection that has sprung up in the short decade since Dominion arrived, but we quickly run out of time as every game has something to offer and leads quickly to others.
Since Dominion laid out the basic blueprint for how the mechanic might work designers have taken the concept and run off in every direction. Some have kept things simple and explored the basics of the mechanic like Dale of Merchants, others have expanded the concept to fit grander themes like Thunderstone, or come full circle back to MTG like Ascension. While other designers have taken the mechanic and worked it in to all sorts of games like area control in Tyrants of the Underdark and Hyperborea, or full Eurogames like Orleans. Some designers have used the deck building mechanic as the driving force behind heist adventures and races like in Clank! or Quest for El Dorado.
So much to explore and so little time.
The games: MTG | Dominion | Clank! | Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle | Dale of Merchants II | Quest for El Dorado | Vikings Gone Wild | Thunderstone | Baseball Highlights 2045 | Abandon all Artichokes | Ascension | Paperback
The other things: Richard Garfield | Donald X Vaccarino | Mike Elliot | Slay the Spire | Emma Larkins

- The first big correction is for MTG I had mentioned 1995 as the start date for Magic but that was the year I started playing – hardly relevant – Magic hit the world in 1993.
*If you notice anything else please let us know in the comments or send us an email.