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Author: Mitch

Board Game Expo 2020

I have been noticing pre-release announcements for games from a few publishers like Red Raven, Pandasaurus Games and Renegade that have been a little bit different. They all mentioned that this game (Deep Vents by Red Raven) or that game (Sonora by Pandasaurus) will be available at BGX on April 4.

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Roll Player Adventures

The first bit of news I mention for 2020 is pretty exciting, although not very detailed since we mostly feed off of table scraps here. Thunderworks Games dropped a pic on Instagram today of the box for Roll Player Adventures and in the comments mentioned that it is a new campaign-style co-op RPG-LIKE game in the Roll Player universe that will allow you to play your Roll Player generated characters.

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Ben Boersma, Darwin Games

I recently connected with Ben from Darwin Games over Instagram after we had both posted images of Crokinole boards a few days apart mentioning that we were each waiting 30 days for the topcoats of polyurethane to dry. His board was one he had built himself and painted to look like a giant eyeball from one of the Occulite creatures that live in his tabletop universe. Mine was a less impressive resurfacing of an old hand-me-down I had received.

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Top 5 BG Apps

I would like to talk about peripheral apps. The ones that help us play or navigate the world of board games. The ones that help me most anyway. The apps that I use almost every day either while playing games or between games while thinking about other games.

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