The Other Shelf

- Value compared to Kallax 80%
- Ability to hold big boxes 80%
- Overall Satisfaction 60%
I bought Ikea shelves for my board games,
but not the Kallax…
…Do I regret it?
It wasn’t that I wanted to buck the
To sub-divide the room into office space and the game room we built a half wall out of Billy bookcases with a few tall skinny Billies on one end to form the doorway to the office. Then with limited room remaining for the main shelves, since Billy bookcases have a hard time with bigger boxes, a
“Hmm.” I thought.
I searched for a valid review, something from someone who had crammed board games onto them before. Something to help me decide. I could not find a single article, forum post, or photograph of anyone using the Brimnes for board games. Was that an omen? Or had I made a discovery?
“What the heck.” I thought next and ordered the Brimnes bookcase.
(I had actually ordered everything at the same time as the Billy bookcases but the thought process was there.)

So, do I regret it?
The short answer is no. Not at all. They fit right in where they were supposed to and they hold a good amount of big boxes.
The long answer, yes, maybe a little. Here’s the thing. The
They work great. I like them even. No, Seriously, I like them. Would I buy them again? Maybe, but probably not.
Would I recommend them? I would, but with the same caveat that made me buy them: space saving (thinner and taller than Kallax, and two big drawers on the bottom). They really are a great sized shelf and are only about $25 more than an Kallax (Canada anyway) but they are awkward to configure and you will be shuffling your boxes around a lot more to fit things than you would need to do with the Kallax.
They also only come in black or white so that’s a thing too.
How do they measure up? Let’s say that the Kallax is the scale and on the Kallax scale each cube is a star. So in this case the best the Brimnes could do would be 8 stars, size wise. I would give it a 5 out of 8. That’s a dumb system. How do you do fractions again?
Let’s see, that’s about a 6 out of 10 is that right? So 3 out of 5? That’s better.
3 Stars
They’re pretty good. They are definitely an alternative to the Kallax if you are looking for something different. If they were a cheaper option than a Kallax they would be a great option. They aren’t.
Brimnes as Game Shelves
Summary They work and if they fit your space then they work great, but they are not quite right and the quality is not quite there compared to Ikeas other go to shelves.