Mitch’s 5 Games for 2019
Top 5 new game releases for 2019
Let’s start the new year with a quick look at what I am excited about for releases. Everybody has been doing it and most of my research has been watching everybody else’s lists and narrowing those down to the ones I am most excited about. Today any ways, there are probably so many I haven’t heard of or haven’t been announced yet.

Adventure Games
The succesor to the Exit line of games from Kosmos that takes the puzzle solving good time of the escape room game and adds an extra layer of adventure. The time crunch has been removed and different paths to follow mean these games will have the replayability missing from the Exit line. I love this idea and am very excited to try it out.

Clank! Legacy
When Dire Wolf Digital first released Clank! we played it constantly it seemed. It had such a fresh feel for a deck builder and the dungeon romp was right up our alley. Then Clank! In! Space! came out and I loved the possibilities it offered with the modular board and it really stepped up the humor with the cards. Now, with Penny Arcade’s Acquisitions Incorporated driving the theme I am expecting this game to be a riot and am really excited to see how the Legacy aspects work into things.

Call to Adventure
I backed the Call to Adventure KS almost immediately. The concept of character development and the potential for building story and adventure around fantatsy novels is such a great concept to explore. The rune casting mechanic is as fresha s it is ancient. The art looks fantastic and following the KS updates they are taking great care to put together a great production. I am excited to get this one in the mail.

Paladins of THE west Kingdom
This is on my list even though I have yet to play Architects. Architects is on the top of my list of games I am dying to play that are out. I have been loving Raiders of the North Sea and love what he has done with the concept of the 3 games in a series and interweaving them. I have followed Architects closely and love the concepts he has worked into it and am excited to see what the rest of this series brings. Plus the art by Mihajlo Dimitrievski is stellar to say the least.

New Frontiers
The next incarnation of Race for the Galaxy that actually brings the series full circle back to its origins. The story has it that the original concept for Race for the Galaxy was spawned by implementing a concept for a card game version of Puerto Rico. This new game is taking the world of Race for the Galaxy that has been building since 2007 across 3 different games and numerous expansions and reimagining it as a full fledged board game with some crossovers to Puerto Rico. I think one of the most exciting things for me is that this may well be the first title in the Race for the Galaxy universe that my wife will play and enjoy, and that makes it number one on my list.
Obviously at only 5 this list is pretty short considering the amount of games coming this year but I tried to pick the ones I know I am going to play. Some that could easily have been on this list are games like Wingspan (It is such a beautiful production and I know I will get to it eventually), Edge of Darkness (Really intriguing but I have yet to play Mystic Vale so I feel I can hardly put it on my list), Tainted Grail (This one seems fantastic but I have my doubts I will get a chance to play it this year, someday maybe) and I am also really interested to see how Tidal Blades plays, oh and Skulk seems like it will be a lot of fun too. Really there are so many and I tried to pick the ones I am not only excited about but will probably end up playing. Lists are hard sometimes.